Thursday, May 14, 2009

Poor Marcel

My little son was coughing pretty bad on friday.. nothing to major but then the wheezing started and I thought I better run him in..... well we went in and didnt come out until Sunday (MOthers Day). Poor guy was admitted with Pnuemonia and Bronchitits!! poor guy was hooked on oxygen and cords and tubes, so running around was out of the question!! But I got the best gift on Mothers day when I got to bring my baby home and sleep in my own bed lol! never appreciated it soooooo much!! But To let you know he is doing great now!! I have a pic of him on my myspace check it out and I have the cutest video I need to add. but that is soon to come!!
I need to go to bed I started a new job and ya... mornings are hard enough with lots of sleep!
The Bautistas!