Friday, January 25, 2008

Rice Cereal and The Nasty Flu Bug

Well I noticed yesterday that Marcel was eating nonstop and was always still hungry, so I thought it was time to try something new... so I put baby rice cereal in his bottle and well it plugged the nipple and was useless then I thought I would try to feed him with a spoon and sure enough my little man ate it all up!! I know that he is a little young but when a baby is ready, they are ready and he is beyond ready to eat, he supports his own head and can sit supported in his baby food chair. So I have some cute pictures of his first time eating cereal.
Also he has been talking all day long, coos and goos seriously all the time. Right now he is blowing bubbles and grunting. Marcel has a new toy that he loves, the toys name is Gio the giraffe (short for Giovanni) Gio and him are beginning to be great pals. I bought the giraffe in SLC on our last trip there. I am really tired right now I was up late chit chatting with my mom and when I finally made it home Pablo was really sick, He was burning a fever and had body aches and chills. After his wonderful nurse (me) got him his meds and a cool washcloth, he felt better and finally went to sleep. I was so happy when he felt better the next day, only to be disappointed to find out that Daniel was running a fever when he got home from school, so his nurse (also me) took care of him and he is resting right now. I plan on going to Pablos gig in Idaho Falls tomorrow but I cant decide whether I should take Marcel or leave him at my moms...... I still dont know...... anyway I am looking into a part time job only an hour or two a day, sounds really good, we are also looking into moving..... not far just into a house instead of where we are living now, I hope it all works out I would love to have a bigger yard and some more privacy in the country and a chance to decorate however I want!!
anyway I will get the pictures up soon....
The Bautistas

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Perfect Time to Start

I am so excited to get this blog going.... I just hope I can find the time to maintain it, between diapers, feedings and naptimes I keep busy. I think this year will have a hard time competeing with last year. Last year was amazing I gave birth to the newest angel in our family Marcel Diego Bautista on Nov. 5 2007, that day was the best day of my life, just thinking about it makes my eyes swell.... He is the best thing I have ever made in my life, and is my biggest most wonderful accomplishment. I also Graduated from Idaho State University with a B.S. In Health Education with a minor in Women studies (my next best accomplishment). I became an aunty and a sister (my mom and sister had babies ten days apart!) It is all baby craziness around our homes! but it was the funnest experience all being pregnant at the same time (an adventure not many will get to experience) I am in love with all our babies (the triplets). Marcel is 2 1/2 months old and had his first shots earlier this month. He did so good, it was still sad.. at that appointment my chunkster weighed 16 lbs and was 24 inches long!! Yesterday he rolled on his side for the first time, I have a video of it I will have to post. Yesterday we went to SLC for Nevies Dr. Apt. (my Neice) and did a little shopping, it was fun I love hanging out with the my two best friends (my mom and sis) we our so close we have the best time and the worst but in the end it is nothing but love... My husband is working hard while I stay home and tend to our angel. Pablo is getting ready for band season to roll around, bring on the gigs! Daniel just got his report card not too bad, I need to make sure he turns in all his homework on time, his birthday is coming up he will be 12!!! wow how time flies I remember when he came to live with us when he was just 6! anyway this is getting so long!! so until next time...

Love, Laughter and Joy to you

The Bautista Family

Pablo, Parvaneh, Daniel and Marcel