Monday, September 29, 2008

pictures as promised!

Marcel eating some lunch!
Having a sucker!
Out to eat, what a stinker!!
Trying on hats at the fair
my Big Boy where does the time go??

Ha finally getting to it, the new pictures!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Fall Is On It's Way... as the season changes so does my baby!

Marcel is growing so incredibly fast!! sooo many changes!

1. Marcel got his first haircut, I dont have pics of his Ponytail that got cut off but it was sooooo long he had so much hair and it was so hot and he was all sweaty! He was so much happier with it gone!

2. Marcel has teeth, they all decided to come in one after anothe! he has two bottom teeth two top teeth and his fangs coming in.

3. Marcel pulls himself up on everything!! and is a super fast crawler!

4. He eats like a champ!

5. He wears 2t clothing and sometimes 3t!!! ahhh!!!

6. He loves to wake up in the morning, he pulls himself up on the crip and reaches to my face and starts stroking it till I wake up and put him in bed with us!!

7. He giggles so much more and loves to play with his cousin and aunty and Daniel and he loves to wrestle with me, he is such a cutie!

8. He gives the absolute best sloppy wet drooly kisses

Well ya that is the update, and we are so excited for fall ya!! If you read this let me know some motivation to blog more would do me some good... lol until the next time
much love,
shoot the pictures didnt work work I will try again soon so keep checking back!!