Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bad Blogger!!

Happy Boy
Out to eat after working on the house
Father Day Marcel with his daddy
Marcel and his Ugly Doll OX, they are so freakin' Cute

Well it has been way to long since my last blog!!! Since then I officially walked the line for ISU, enjoyed Memorial Day with a family BBQ and more recently have started working at Fort Hall Recreation while doing PSR and even more crazy we have been fixing up a house that we just bought and are now trying to move. We had a sweet Fathers Day by having a family day camping trip!! Recently we took Marcel to Lava, it was his first time at a pool and well... He loved it, I forgot my camara so no pics but it was such a great time!!! I also have a lot coming up the girls' birthday both will be turning one soon!! (where does time go?) and Marcel my 7 month old is keeping me busy!! also we are going to be totally moved out by the first of July (well I hope)

so yeah our life is crazy busy but still fabulous as always!! More updates later (hopefully sooner that later)

Much love to go with the rush!

The Bautistas'